Gas Chamber

Statistical Tests of Percent Differences Among Execution Actors
Gas Chamber: Among Executioners, a majority (55%) was OK with executions using the gas chamber. Among Hard Abstract Supporters, only 36% were OK with such executions. Among Soft Abstract Supporters, only 28% were OK with this method of execution. According to the Chi-Square test, these differences are statistically significant. The Sig. value is less than .05. With a Phi coefficient of .21 and an Eta Squared of .04, the effect size of approving this method of execution exerts a somewhat larger than small effect on execution roles (intended actions).
When Soft Abstract Supporters and Hard Abstract Supporters were analyzed separately using the Chi-Square test with correction for continuity (2 X 2 table), the difference between them was also statistically significant. With a Phi coefficient of .08 and an Eta Squared of .007, the effect size of approving this method of execution exerts a near zero effect on execution roles (intended actions).