Different Actions Regarding the Death Penalty

Now that you have taken the Death Penalty Quiz, here are the different groupings of people based on how they act toward the death penalty and executions. The percentages above are from the 2020 Death Penalty Study.
Absolute Abolitionists—People in this group absolutely oppose all methods of execution. No need to ask them about specific methods of execution.
De Facto Abolitionists—People in this group thought maybe they might favor some methods of execution. So people taking the quiz were asked if they were OK with executing people using any of nine methods of execution. They rejected all of them. This makes these people 'abolitionists in fact.'
Soft Abstract Supporters—People in this group favor at least one method of execution, will vote on a jury to recommend the death penalty. However, they are unwilling to attend the execution of the person they condemned to death.
Hard Abstract Supporters—People in this group favor at least one method of execution, will vote on a jury to recommend the death penalty, and are willing to attend the execution of the person they convicted. However, they will not commit to executing him ('push the button') if given the chance.
Executioners—People in this group favor at least one method of execution, will vote on a jury to recommend the death penalty, and are willing to attend the execution of the person they convicted. Further, they will commit to executing him ('push the button') if given the chance.